News on Fiorentina Basket
There has been 9 news on Fiorentina Basket in the past from 4 different sources and amongst 1 sections:
- sports (100%)
Latest news
The Washington Times
20 days ago
De Gea is 34 but making saves like he's 20 and helping Fiorentina mount a title challenge
The Star
21 days ago
De Gea is 34 but making saves like he's 20 and helping Fiorentina mount a title challenge
The Star
277 days ago
Fiorentina's match at Atalanta postponed after general manager Joe Barone rushed to hospital
The Star
302 days ago
Fiorentina winger Kouame tests positive for malaria. He helped Ivory Coast win the Africa Cup
Going further
Evolution through time
Distribution by publisher
There has been 4 publishers reporting on this, including: The Star (44%), ESPN (33%), The Washington Times (11%), CBS (11%) .
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