News on Aktau
There has been 23 news on Aktau in the past from 6 sources across 4 sections.
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Current sentiment polarity: slightly negative with a score of -0.4
neutral | 57% | |
negative | 43% |
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Report on Kazakh plane crash confirms crew chose Aktau as landing option
Azerbaijan Airlines flight crashed 7 minutes after being spotted near Aktau, report says
Russian, Azerbaijani diplomats discuss air crash near Aktau
CENIPA experts arrive in Aktau to investigate plane crash
Kazakh president warns against misinformation, provocations about plane crash near Aktau
Survivor of plane crash in Aktau hails bravery of flight attendant
Kremlin will not speculate about causes of plane crash near Aktau -- spokesman
Kazakhstan plane crash: What lead to emergency landing attempt near Aktau
Plane with doctors from Kazakh capital arrives in Aktau to help plane crash victims
Azerbaijan Airlines plane crashes near Aktau in Kazakhstan, leaving 38 dead
Survivors of Embraer 190 crash near Aktau were seated in the tail section of the plane
Azerbaijani passenger plane crashes near Kazakh city of Aktau
Putin expresses condolences to families of those killed in plane crash near Aktau
Watch: The moment Azerbaijan Airlines plane crashed near Aktau in Kazakhstan
Watch: Azerbaijan Airlines plane crashes near Aktau in Kazakhstan
Two children injured in plane crash near Kazakhstan's Aktau
Plane crashed near Aktau was diverted to Makhachkala due to fog in Grozny
An Azerbaijani Airliner has crashed in the Kazakhstani city of Aktau
Passenger plane crashes near Kazakhstan's Aktau -- Emergencies Ministry
Kazakhstan's Aktau becomes cultural capital of Turkic world 2025
The coverage spans across 4 sections:
There has been 6 news sources reporting on this, including: TASS News Agency (70%), Euronews (13%), Daily Sabah (4%), Nation PK (4%), and Times of India (4%).
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