News on Athletes-Mental health

75 days ago

There has been 13 news on Athletes-Mental health in the past from 10 sources across 2 sections.

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Sentiment analysis

Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of 0.02

neutral 69%
negative 15%
positive 15%

Sentiment polarity through time

Latest news

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Lamar Jackson Breaks silence: his bold message to athletes facing academic and mental struggles

75d ago

Sport embraces mental health: Simone Biles, Michael Phelps, Andre Agassi...

148d ago

'We need to be kind to each other': What it was like caring for the mental health needs of Olympic athletes in Paris

Fast Company
204d ago

Comaneci says Chiles' score change after inquiry was playing 'with athletes mental health'

The Star
219d ago

Emma Wilson accuses sailing officials of putting athletes' mental health at risk

221d ago

How the Paris Olympics is addressing athletes' mental health

Fast Company
232d ago

Mental training for athletes, a business exploited by 'charlatans'

Le Monde
430d ago

City to host World Memory Championship for mental athletes

Times of India
479d ago


The coverage spans across 2 sections:

research 8%
sports 77%


There has been 10 news sources reporting on this, including: Marca (15%), Fast Company (15%), Fox News (15%), The Star (8%), and Independent (8%).

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