News on Dark tourism

37 days ago

There has been 16 news on Dark tourism in the past from 6 sources across 4 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.1

neutral 69%
negative 25%
positive 6%

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Ukraine war sites draw thrill-seekers as dark tourism industry grows

99d ago

The African island with a sinister past that's now a haven for dark tourism

102d ago

'Dark tourism' on the rise in Ukraine: Is war tourism educational or unethical?

France 24
104d ago

Africa's incredibly famous prison island that is now a major haven for dark tourism

136d ago

'Dark tourism' is attracting visitors to war zones and sites of atrocities in Israel and Ukraine. Why?

156d ago

The deserted island with a sinister history that's now open to dark tourism

157d ago

The abandoned ghost town 'swallowed by ice' that's becoming a haven for dark tourism

164d ago

The remote 'UK owned' island that's so harsh it's becoming a haven for dark tourism

175d ago

Stunning seaside town now home of 'dark tourism' and locals too afraid to return

196d ago

World's most dangerous country that is becoming a haven for dark tourism

213d ago

Dark tourism: Why Kerala Police are urging people to avoid 'sightseeing' in Wayanad's landslide-hit regions

Times of India
223d ago

Embracing 'virtual dark tourism' could help heritage sites at risk of degradation, expert explains

421d ago


The coverage spans across 4 sections:


There has been 6 news sources reporting on this, including: Express (56%), Phys (12%), Mirror (12%), Times of India (6%), and SCMP (6%).

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