News on Electronic surveillance-Political aspects-United States
There has been 9 news on Electronic surveillance-Political aspects-United States in the past from 6 sources across 2 sections.
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Current sentiment polarity: slightly negative with a score of -0.31
neutral | 67% | |
negative | 33% |
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Latest news
Bloomberg Surveillance: Eco and Political Outlook
Bloomberg Surveillance: Politics & Geopolitics
US Congress renews controversial surveillance tool
Controversial US surveillance program (briefly?) lapses amid congressional dysfunction
House GOP leaders press for way forward on controversial government surveillance program
House struggles with surveillance measure amid deep Republican opposition
Fox News Politics: 'Alarming' surveillance
House GOP's latest stumble: An internal war over government surveillance
Fight over greenlighting controversial surveillance program unites progressives, conservatives in Congress
The coverage spans across 2 sections:
There has been 6 news sources reporting on this, including: Fox News (22%), Politico (22%), Bloomberg (22%), Le Monde (11%), and The Star (11%).
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