News on Manila (Philippines)-History

64 days ago

There has been 4 news on Manila (Philippines)-History in the past from 2 sources across 2 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.25

neutral 75%
negative 25%

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Meet the poor Filipinos living in Manila's cemetery for the rich

64d ago

In the Marcos vs Duterte 'death match' of 2025, which Philippine dynasty will survive?

64d ago

Oil tanker capsizes off Manila, risks causing 'biggest spill' in Philippine history

France 24
224d ago

South China Sea: what do Filipinos think about the Manila-Beijing row?

246d ago


The coverage spans across 2 sections:


There has been 2 news sources reporting on this, including: SCMP (75%), and France 24 (25%).

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