News on Mental illness-Treatment-Case studies

13 days ago

There has been 3 news on Mental illness-Treatment-Case studies in the past from 3 sources across 1 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.0

negative 33%
positive 33%
neutral 33%

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Man gets psychiatric treatment after sending bomb threats to schools in four Valencia towns to 'kill as many people as possible'.

The Olive Press
13d ago

Quebec unveils measures to better support mental health patients

Global News
330d ago

Why treatment for severe mental illness looks radically different for rich and poor people

Vox Media
439d ago


The coverage spans across 1 sections:

health 100%


There has been 3 news sources reporting on this, including: Global News (33%), Vox Media (33%), and The Olive Press (33%).

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