News on Oil spills-Mexico, Gulf of-Management

207 days ago

There has been 7 news on Oil spills-Mexico, Gulf of-Management in the past from 4 sources across 3 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: strongly negative with a score of -0.9

negative 100%

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Oil spill hits beaches on Venezuela's northwest coast

207d ago

US bridge crash: Barge slams into Texas bridge, causes oil spill

NZ Herald
302d ago

Tobago oil spill spreads to Grenada waters and could affect Venezuela

The Guardian
393d ago

Mystery ship capsizes in Caribbean Sea, creating massive oil spill

396d ago

Trinidad & Tobago says oil spill from mystery vessel is national emergency

The Guardian
396d ago

Oil spill blackens part of Venezuela's western coast

443d ago

Oil spill could put endangered species at risk in Gulf of Mexico

479d ago


The coverage spans across 3 sections:


There has been 4 news sources reporting on this, including: The Guardian (29%), CBS (29%), Phys (29%), and NZ Herald (14%).

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