News on Respiratory infections-Diagnosis

25 days ago

There has been 6 news on Respiratory infections-Diagnosis in the past from 5 sources across 2 sections.

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Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.27

neutral 50%
negative 50%

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The pope has a "polymicrobial respiratory tract infection." What is it?

25d ago

Pope Francis to stay in hospital to treat respiratory tract infection

Global News
25d ago

Pope to remain hospitalized as doctors treat respiratory tract infection: Vatican

ABC News
26d ago

Respiratory infections are on the rise: How to stay healthy around the holidays

Daily Telegraph
457d ago

In Oct-Nov, state saw 1.9k cases of acute respiratory infections

Times of India
459d ago

Pneumonia cases in AIIMS-Delhi have no link with China respiratory infections cases: Health Ministry

Times of India
465d ago


The coverage spans across 2 sections:

health 83%
politics 17%


There has been 5 news sources reporting on this, including: Times of India (33%), CBS (17%), Global News (17%), ABC News (17%), and Daily Telegraph (17%).

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