News on Sarcophagus

90 days ago

There has been 6 news on Sarcophagus in the past from 6 sources across 1 sections.

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New sarcophagus discovery in Antalya highlights St. Nicholas' legacy

Daily Sabah
90d ago

Egyptian princess's sarcophagus brings star quality to Frieze Masters

Bulgarian beach bar sarcophagus turns out to be genuine Roman artefact

210d ago

Egypt breakthrough as greatest pharaoh's sarcophagus unearthed 3,000 years after death

283d ago

The Hunt: How an Ancient Sarcophagus Was Lost to the Sea

Art Net
290d ago

Long-lost Egyptian sarcophagus returned to Uppsala

Sverige Radio
314d ago


The coverage spans across 1 sections:

culture 100%


There has been 6 news sources reporting on this, including: Euronews (17%), Express (17%), Art Net (17%), The Art Newspaper (17%), and Sverige Radio (17%).

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