News on Vodka industry-Russia-History
There has been 9 news on Vodka industry-Russia-History in the past from 5 sources across 2 sections.
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Compulsory share of Russian wine may grow as industry evolves -- ministry
Constellation Brands to sell Svedka vodka to Sazerac as wine and spirits segment struggles
Indian company makes agreement on Russian Standard vodka distribution in India
Demand for Russian alcohol rises globally in recent years -- Russian Export Center
Russia's vodka production up 3.1% in Q1, cognac output up 6.5%
Bored Russian soldiers are 'washing hallucinogenic drugs down with vodka' in trenches
The coverage spans across 2 sections:
There has been 5 news sources reporting on this, including: TASS News Agency (44%), The Moscow Times (22%), CNBC News (11%), Express (11%), and Mirror (11%).
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