Principles and practice of evacuation modelling : a collection of lecture n..
Principles and practice of evacuation modelling : a collection of lecture notes for a short course prepared by the Fire Safety Engineering Group, University of Greenwich, London, SE10 9LS is a book. It was written by E. R. Galea and published by CMS Press in 2011.
Key facts
- author: E. R. Galea
- publication date: 2011
- book publisher: CMS Press
- book series: Paper
- earliest publication dates: 1981, 1981
- book subjects: Fire protection engineering, Buildings-Evacuation
Classified as: object
"Principles and practice of evacuation modelling : a collection of lecture n.." is one of the books by E. R. Galea, books by CMS Press and 2,617,384 books in our database.
- Isbn: 1904521716
- Language: English
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