Aguas Nuevas
Key facts
- city: Santiago
- country: Chile
- sector: Industrials
- industry: Commercial Services & Supplies
Classified as: organization
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Aguas Nuevas is a company. It is located in Santiago, Chile. The company is part of the Industrials sector, specifically in the Commercial Services & Supplies industry.
Aguas Nuevas is one of the companies in Chile, companies in Commercial Services & Supplies, companies in Industrials and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
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Talking Points:
- The Aguas Nuevas group of companies operates within the regulated services sector, in which it currently participates by providing health services to the Fifteenth, First, Ninth and Twelfth regions of Chile. As a group we aspire to deliver an excellent service to our clients, to work for the development of the regions in...
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