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Key facts
- city: Genoa
- country: Italy
- sector: Industrials
- foundation year: 1989
- industry: Construction & Engineering
Classified as: organization
CMS is a company. It is located in Genoa, Italy and was founded in 1989. The company is part of the Industrials sector, specifically in the Construction & Engineering industry.
CMS is one of the 3,466,499 companies in our database.
Companies from Italy
Companies in the Construction & Engineering industry
Companies in the Industrials sector
Stocks from CMS
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Talking Points:
- - Ceilings in metal, gypsum, wood, composites. - Various applications of Drywall - Raised access floors - Demountable Partition Systems - Ceramic Granite - Lighting Technology Sector - Sign systems - Façade systems - Barrisol Stretched Ceilings - Controsoffitti metallici, in cartongesso, fibra minerale, gesso alleggerito e legno
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