Tom Cotton demands DOD records on border-wall material sales be preserved - House Republican calls on government watchdog to investigate DOD after another failed audit - Tom Cotton slams 'partisans and obstructionists' in DOD reportedly plotting to block Trump plans - The D Brief: DOD's Replicator program advances; Nuclear forensics in Idaho; Austin, Milley defend women in combat; Intel watchdogs resign; And a bit more. - How Trump may shake up DOD: an insider's view - The D Brief: Russia pushes deeper into Ukraine; N. Korea prepping nuke test?; DOD releases industrial plan; Fire at UK shipyard; And a bit more. - RTX will pay almost $1B for defrauding DOD, allegedly bribing Qatari official - Defense contractor Raytheon to pay almost $1B for defrauding DOD - The D Brief: Kyiv hikes taxes; DOD's space turf war; Smart new drone; Tornadoes shred Florida roofs; And a bit more. - Senators want answers from DOD on quantum sensing efforts
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