El PSOE hace equilibrios para seducir a Esquerra y aplacar recelos del resto de autonomias - Esquerra avisa a Sanchez que sin un concierto para Cataluna no investira a Illa - Esquerra promete que habra referendum si gana las elecciones catalanas
Esquerra is a company. It is located in Barcelona, Spain.
Key facts
- city: Barcelona
- country: Spain
Classified as: organization
Esquerra is one of the companies in Spain and 3,550,070 companies in our database.
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Talking Points:
- Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya
- Esquerra Republicana, founded in 1931, is the oldest political organization in Catalonia still active and has as its main objective the achievement of a fairer and more united society, without inequalities between people and territories and considers that the way to do this is to achieve the independence of Catalonia.
- Official Twitter of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya. #Useful to transform, for the people and for the country ✊♀️♻️👫
- Dear friend, Thank you for visiting the national website of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, a space for information about our party and for monitoring the current news. At Esquerra Republicana we are convinced that, in order to achieve a free and fairer country, we must reach as many people as possible and that for ...
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