Coming to the UK: Spanish beer Estrella Galicia is set to expand its presence in British pubs
Estrella Galicia
Estrella Galicia is a company. It is located in A Coruña, Spain and was founded in 1906. The company is part of the Consumer Staples sector.
Key facts
- city: A Coruña
- country: Spain
- sector: Consumer Staples
- foundation year: 1906
Classified as: organization
Estrella Galicia is one of the companies in Spain, companies in Consumer Staples and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
- Employees:
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- Revenues:
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Stocks from Estrella Galicia:
Talking Points:
- Estrella Galicia Beers | Master brewers since 1906
- Enjoy Estrella Galicia beers: Special, 0.0%, Gluten Free, Estrella de Galicia, Christmas or the cellar beer. A different story!
- Every day you get up is another day without giving up. #ProhibitedLowerTheArms. By following Estrella Galicia you confirm that you are over 18 years of age.
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