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Hospital São Domingos

22 days ago

Key facts

Classified as: organization


Hospital São Domingos is a company. It is located in Sao Luis, Brazil and was founded in 1989. The company is part of the Health Care sector, specifically in the Health Care Providers & Services industry.


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Stocks from Hospital São Domingos

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Talking Points:

  • Hospital São Domingos is a highly complex hospital in the private healthcare network, focused on the full health of its patients and located in São Luís-MA.
  • High complexity hospital in São Luís-MA. Follow us and keep up with health and well-being tips.
  • Hospital São Domingos inaugurated, on Thursday night (31), its Specialized Medicine Center and the new entrance to the hospital, the Atrium, which will be the main access for elective patients.
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