Billionaire wealth growing at 'unimaginable' rate as poverty persists, Oxfam says - Oxfam: 'Centuries of wrong-headed policy decisions & bipartisan embrace of capitalist policy-making' - Oxfam report finds billionaires' wealth soared in 2024 as global elite prepare for Davos - Billionaire wealth surges to 'unimaginable' levels in 2024 as Oxfam predicts emergence of five trillionaires within a decade - UK drained $64.82 tn from India during colonial rule: Key points of Oxfam report - UK's richest 10% took half of India's wealth during colonial era: Oxfam report - Oxfam says billionaires' wealth soared in 2024, with 4 'minted' every week - Billionaire wealth growing faster than ever, says Oxfam report - Billionaire wealth growing faster than ever before, says Oxfam report
Oxfam is a company. It is located in Oxford, the United Kingdom and was founded in 1942.
Key facts
- city: Oxford
- country: United Kingdom
- foundation year: 1942
Classified as: organization
Oxfam is one of the companies in the United Kingdom and 3,550,070 companies in our database.
- Employees:
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- Revenues:
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Talking Points:
- Oxfam GB | We are Oxfam
- We are a global movement of millions of people working together to end poverty.
- Please donate to help our teams respond in Gaza as soon as it's safe: https:
- d9D4I4BJTF
- A global movement of people who won't live with poverty. | Oxfam is a vibrant global movement of dedicated people fighting poverty - together. Oxfam fights poverty in three ways: Campaigning, Development and Emergency Response. Campaigning for change: Poverty isn't just about lack of resources.
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