live Feed:
Mas de 600.000 residentes en la provincia estan en riesgo de pobreza o exclusion social - El alquiler da un respiro y baja un 2,7% en el tercer trimestre en la provincia - El numero de nuevas companias aumenta un 45% en la provincia, que firma en abril el mejor mes desde que hay registros - <> - La Semana Santa generara seis mil contratos en la provincia, un 20% mas que el ano pasado


22 days ago

Key facts

Classified as: organization


Provinciart is a company. It is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Provinciart is one of the companies in Argentina and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
  • Employees: get premium Premium to see estimate
  • Revenues: get premium Premium to see estimate

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Talking Points:

  • Province ARTAinsurance of Occupational Risks
  • We work to ensure our clients the maximum availability of Workers.
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In literature

There is no book written about Provinciart in the database


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