Key facts
- city: Alicante
- country: Spain
- sector: Consumer Discretionary
- foundation year: 1998
- industry: Diversified Consumer Services
Classified as: organization
- Malaga contrata el proyecto para reparar las patologias del puente de la antigua 340
- Los inversores de la Torre del Puerto negocian con David Chipperfield, premio Pritzker, para que lidere el proyecto
- Los inversores cataries de la Torre del Puerto se comprometen a presentar el proyecto en marzo
- Andalucia lleva al Congreso un proyecto de ley para la gratuidad de gafas y lentillas en todo el pais
Proyectoes is a company. It is located in Alicante, Spain and was founded in 1998. The company is part of the Consumer Discretionary sector, specifically in the Diversified Consumer Services industry.
Proyectoes is one of the companies in Spain, companies in Diversified Consumer Services, companies in Consumer Discretionary and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
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Talking Points:
- Proyecto Español, a Spanish language school for foreigners.
- Spanish language school for foreigners in Spain. Spanish courses, accommodation and spare time activities throughout the whole year and for all levels.
- We are a Spanish School for foreigners in Spain with Schools in Alicante, Granada, Barcelona and Madrid. | PROYECTO ESPAÑOL is a language school, specialized in Spanish for foreigners, with schools in Alicante,Barcelona, Granada and Madrid. Our goal is to combine teaching the Spanish language and culture ...
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