Sidenor culmina la operacion Talgo y se hace con la compania por 183 millones - Dimite el vicepresidente de Talgo en plena operacion de venta a Sidenor - Sidenor exige una respuesta sobre Talgo antes del proximo viernes - Talgo autoriza a Sidenor el acceso a sus cuentas y abre el proceso de compra - El ministro de Economia confirma la disposicion del Gobierno a acompanar a Sidenor en la compra de Talgo
Sidenor is a company. It is located in Basauri, Spain.
Key facts
- city: Basauri
- country: Spain
Classified as: organization
Sidenor is one of the companies in Spain and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
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Stocks from Sidenor:
Talking Points:
- Sidenor - Special Steels
- Sidenor is a steel company, leader in the European steel industry for the production of special steel long products. It is also an important supplier of cold finished products in the European market. The company has production centers in Basque Country, Cantabria and Catalonia as well as business delegations in Germany, France, Italy and the U.K.
- #WeMakeSteel Sidenor is a steel company, leader in the European steel industry for the production of special steel long products.
- Innovative steel solutions for customers needs | Sidenor is a steel company, leader in the European steel industry for the production of special steel long products and one of the main producers of forged and cast pieces. It is also an important supplier of cold finished products in the European market.
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