El juez rechaza reabrir el 'caso Delcy' tras descartar los informes de la UCO - La Fiscalia recurre el registro a Garcia Ortiz porque la UCO se llevo informacion <> - El juez pregunta a Fiscalia si reabre el 'caso Delcy' tras el informe de la UCO - El PP se cuelga del dossier de la UCO y situa ya a Sanchez como 'numero 1' de la trama - El PSOE asume <> pero esgrime que la UCO solo <> a Abalos - El abogado del hermano de Pedro Sanchez pide la nulidad de los correos incautados por la UCO
Uco.Com is a company. It is located in Hangzhou, China and was founded in 2011. The company is part of the Communication Services sector, specifically in the Diversified Telecommunication Services industry.
Key facts
- city: Hangzhou
- country: China
- sector: Communication Services
- industry: Diversified Telecommunication Services
- foundation year: 2011
Classified as: organization
Uco.Com is one of the companies in China, companies in Diversified Telecommunication Services, companies in Communication Services and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
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Talking Points:
- 悠可集团 | 成就美丽梦想
- UCO is the leading full-service & multi-platform beauty eCommerce partner for cosmetics brands in China. We provide one-stop omni-channel retail solution, from digital and market-entry strategy, omni-channel retail operation, to social media & marketing content creation. Our GMV sales in 2018 is over RMB 6.5 billion.
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