Klaviyo could break the unicorn IPO logjam
Key facts
- city: Prague
- country: Czech Republic
- sector: Information Technology
Classified as: organization
Unicorn is a company. It is located in Prague, Czech Republic. The company is part of the Information Technology sector.
Unicorn is one of the companies in Czech Republic, companies in Information Technology and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
Stocks from Unicorn
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Talking Points:
- Unicorn je renomovaná evropská společnost poskytující ty největší informační systémy a řešení z oblasti informačních technologií.
- Unicorn is a renowned European company that provides the most complex information systems and solutions. | Unicorn is a renowned European company providing the most complex information systems and solutions in the area of information technology. We focus on creating a high added value and competitive advantage for our customers.
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