El PSOE pide a la Diputacion y a la Junta que cumplan sus compromisos con el SIPAM de la uva pasa de la Axarquia
UVa is a company. It is located in Valladolid, Spain. The company is part of the Financials sector, specifically in the Financial Services industry. Based on various external sources, the CEO's approval rating is 100 %.
Key facts
- city: Valladolid
- country: Spain
- sector: Financials
- industry: Financial Services
- CEO approval: 100 %
Classified as: organization
UVa is one of the companies in Spain, companies in Financial Services, companies in Financials and 3,550,070 companies in our database.
- Employees:
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- Revenues:
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Stocks from UVa:
Talking Points:
- The University of Valladolid (UVA) is a public university founded in 1241 with four campuses. He teaches degree, master and doctorate. Member of the International Excellence Campus.
- Official Account of the Communication Cabinet of the University of Valladolid, one of the oldest and most important higher education centers in Spain
- 87341 followers. 3w. The University of Valladolid brings social entrepreneurship to its students as an self -employment formula focused on solving social and environmental problems The I Day of Self -Employment and Social Entrepreneurship will be held next Wednesday, April 20, starting at 1630, in it. ..
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