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Key facts
- city: Apeldoorn
- country: Netherlands
- sector: Health Care
- industry: Health Care Providers & Services
Classified as: organization
Verian is a company. It is located in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. The company is part of the Health Care sector, specifically in the Health Care Providers & Services industry.
Verian is one of the companies in the Netherlands, companies in Health Care Providers & Services, companies in Health Care and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
Stocks from Verian
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Talking Points:
- Vérian nurses, cares and guides » Vérian » Versatile in care
- Looking for care at home? Thuiszorg Vérian has a wide range of services and offers care close by, innovative and with a warm heart!
- Vérian is an innovative and enterprising (home) care organization in large parts of Gelderland, Utrecht, Overijssel and South Holland. Every year, a wide range of products and services are provided to more than 40,000 clients, including high-quality specializations. At Vérian, more than 4,000 motivated professionals work with ...
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