live News:
Wendy's to close 140 more restaurants by end of year - Wendy's is closing 140 'outdated' restaurants in 2024, but there's a silver lining for fans of the fast food chain - McDonald's analysts are hoping outbreak resembles Wendy's and isn't more troubling, like Chipotle's - How to get a Wendy's 'Boo Bag' this Halloween season - Man stabbed to death for asking person to stop moving tables inside a Wendy's - Wendy's debuts new menu item: The Krabby Patty - Wendy's newest collaboration is bringing Krabby Patties to life - Wendy's newest collaboration is bringing Krabby Patties to life - Wendy's newest collaboration is bringing Krabby Patties to life - BEver Wonder What a Krabby Patty Tastes Like? You Can Try One Soon at Wendy's


28 days ago

Key facts

Classified as: organization


Wendy's is a company. It is located in the United States. The company is part of the Consumer Discretionary sector, specifically in the Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure industry.


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  • Restaurant Management
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