In the news:
Local heroes save cyclist's life in Torrox Costa - Detenido tras cortarse en una pierna cuando asaltaba de madrugada un chiringuito en Torrox-Costa - Una carrera nocturna en Torrox y un torneo de padel en Nerja a beneficio de la lucha contra el cancer - Candelaria and Day of the Tourist Draw Thousands to Torrox - Celebrate Tourist Day in Torrox - La plataforma contra la ubicacion de una subestacion electrica en Torrox no se da por vencida y pondra un contencioso-administrativo - El folclore tradicional, a escena en Torrox: vuelven los 'cuatro ria y un pita' de los fandangos de Gui - Colorful umbrellas set to return to Torrox's Plaza - Secuestran a un hombre 11 dias y le cortan parte de una oreja en Torrox - Denuncian la desaparicion de un vecino de Torrox que salio a hacer senderismo
Key facts
- country: Spain
- population: 12,610 people
Classified as: place
Location on a map: [36°75′N, -3°95′W]
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Torrox is a city. It is in Spain and has a population of 12,610 people.
Environment see more
Torrox is one of the cities in Spain and 47,605 cities in our database.
Sports see more
Distribution of competitions in Torrox by city
Distribution of competitions by country in Torrox
Distribution of competitions in Torrox by start date
Competitions in Torrox
Research see more
Geographical distribution of universities in Torrox by total students
Distribution of universities in Torrox by foundation year
Universities in Torrox
Culture see more
Geographical distribution of museums in Torrox by visitors
Museums in Torrox
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Exchanges in Torrox
In literature
There is no book written about Torrox in the database
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This dashboard is based on data from: United Nations
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