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9 days ago

Guinea-Bissau is a country. The capital city is Bissau, located in the Western Africa region of Africa. It has a land area of 28,120 km², a population of 2,153,339 people and uses the currency West African CFA franc. The President is Umaro Sissoco Embaló.

Key facts

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Guinea-Bissau is one of the countries in Africa, countries in Western Africa and 194 countries in our database.

  • Agricultural land: 8,151.10 km²
  • Carbon dioxide emissions (co2): 0.35 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Access to electricity: 37.40 % of population
  • Fertility rate: 3.92 births per woman
  • Forest area: 19,631 km²
  • Fossil fuel energy consumption: 0.00 % of total
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (co2, ch4, n2o, hfcs, pfcs, sf6): 3.00 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Median age: 14.90
  • Methane emissions: 2.16 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Nitrous oxide emissions: 0.52 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Female population: 1,089,544 people
  • Male population: 1,063,795 people
  • Renewable energy consumption: 87.40 % of total final energy consumption
  • Rural land area: 33,293.42 km²
  • Rural population: 1,174,302 people
  • Urban land area: 196.26 km²
  • Urban population: 979,037 people
  • Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters : 1.24 % of total population

Proportion of transboundary sites in Guinea-Bissau

Geographical distribution of cities in Guinea-Bissau by population

dataset Cities in Guinea-Bissau:

Relationship between fertility rate and median age in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical forest area in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between forest area and rural land area in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical fossil fuel energy consumption in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between fossil fuel and renewable energy consumption in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between other greenhouse gas emissions and methane emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) and nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) and urban land area in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) and urban population in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical land area in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical median age in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical methane emissions in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between methane and nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between methane emissions and population in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between methane emissions and rural population in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between methane emissions and urban land area in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between methane emissions and urban population in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and population in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between urban land area and nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between urban population and nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical population in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between urban land area and population in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical female population in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical male population in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical renewable energy consumption in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical rural land area in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical rural population in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between rural population and urban land area in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical urban land area in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between urban land area and urban population in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical urban population in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between population and date in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical agricultural land in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between agricultural land and methane emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between agricultural land and nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical alternative and nuclear energy in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and GDP in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between carbon dioxide and methane emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and urban land area in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and urban population in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical access to electricity in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between access to electricity and fertility rate in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between access to electricity and life expectancy at birth in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between access to electricity and renewable energy consumption in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between access to electricity and self-employed workers in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between access to electricity and vulnerable employment in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical electricity production from coal sources in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical electricity production from natural gas sources in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical electricity production from hydroelectric sources in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical electricity production from nuclear sources in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical electricity production from oil sources in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric, in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical net energy imports in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical fertility rate in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between fertility rate and life expectancy at birth in Guinea-Bissau

Distribution of sites in Guinea-Bissau by inscription year

Geographical distribution of sites in Guinea-Bissau by area

dataset Sites in Guinea-Bissau:

Geographical distribution of wildfires in Guinea-Bissau by mean width

dataset Wildfires in Guinea-Bissau:

Relationship between mean length and mean width of wildfires in Guinea-Bissau


  • Armed forces personnel: 4,000 people
  • Democracy score: 1.98
  • Democracy type: Authoritarian
  • Individuals using the internet: 31.57 % of population
  • Military expenditure: 1.46 % of GDP
  • Net migration: -1,400 people
  • Press freedom: 2.53
  • Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments: 9.80 %

Evolution of historical armed forces personnel in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between armed forces personnel and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between methane emissions and armed forces personnel in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between armed forces personnel and nitrous oxide emissions in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between armed forces personnel and population in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between rural population and armed forces personnel in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between urban land area and armed forces personnel in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between urban population and armed forces personnel in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical individuals using the Internet in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical military expenditure in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical net migration in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of the historical proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

dataset Political parties in Guinea-Bissau:

Distribution of politicians from Guinea-Bissau by birth year

Proportion of politicians per gender in Guinea-Bissau

dataset Politicians from Guinea-Bissau:


  • Expense: 13.27 % of GDP
  • Gdp: 2,048,348,108.36 current US$
  • Inflation: 9.39 annual %
  • Self-employed workers: 78.32 % of total employment
  • Tax revenue: 8.57 % of GDP
  • Unemployment: 2.65 % of total labor force
  • Vulnerable employment: 77.80 % of total employment

Proportion of CEOs per gender in Guinea-Bissau

dataset Companies in Guinea-Bissau:

Proportion of employee types in companies from Guinea-Bissau

Distribution of companies in Guinea-Bissau by foundation year

Proportion of revenue types by company in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between employees and revenues in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical central government debt in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical expense in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical GDP in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between GDP and other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical inflation in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical proportion of self-employed workers in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between self-employment and vulnerable employment in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical tax revenue in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical unemployment in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical vulnerable employment in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

dataset Exchanges in Guinea-Bissau:

dataset Shops in Guinea-Bissau :


  • Birth rate: 30.61 per 1,000 people
  • Death rate: 8.60 per 1,000 people
  • Health expenditure per capita: 68.82 current US$
  • Health expenditure: 8.22 % of GDP
  • Incidence of hiv: 0.59 per 1,000 uninfected population
  • Hospital beds: 1.00 per 1,000 people
  • Life expectancy at birth: 60
  • Suicide mortality rate: 7.00 per 100,000 population

Evolution of historical birth rate in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between birth rate and access to electricity in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between birth rate and fertility rate in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between birth rate and life expectancy at birth in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between birth rate and median age in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between birth rate and proportion of self-employed workers in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between birth rate and vulnerable employment in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical death rate in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between death rate and life expectancy at birth in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical health expenditure per capita in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical health expenditure in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical incidence of HIV in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical hospital beds in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Evolution of historical life expectancy at birth in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

Relationship between life expectancy and the proportion of self-employed workers in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between life expectancy and vulnerable employment in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical suicide mortality rate in Guinea-Bissau with forecast

dataset Diseases in Guinea-Bissau :

Distribution of diseases by first founded year in Guinea-Bissau

Proportion of diseases in Guinea-Bissau by mortality rate

Distribution of diseases in Guinea-Bissau by start date

Evolution of historical cases in Guinea-Bissau

Evolution of historical deaths in Guinea-Bissau

Relationship between cases and deaths in Guinea-Bissau


dataset Athletes from Guinea-Bissau:

Distribution of athletes from Guinea-Bissau by birth date

Proportion of athletes per gender in Guinea-Bissau

dataset Competitions in Guinea-Bissau :

Distribution of competitions in Guinea-Bissau by start date

Proportion of medals won by Guinea-Bissau in the Olympics


dataset Artists from Guinea-Bissau:

Distribution of artists from Guinea-Bissau by birth year

Proportion of artists per gender in Guinea-Bissau

Geographical distribution of museums in Guinea-Bissau by visitors

dataset Museums in Guinea-Bissau:


Geographical distribution of universities in Guinea-Bissau by total students

Distribution of universities in Guinea-Bissau per foundation year

dataset Universities in Guinea-Bissau:

In literature

There are 35 books written about Guinea-Bissau in the database.


Connected or similar to Guinea-Bissau:


This dashboard is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.