South-Eastern Asia

15 days ago

Key facts

  • continent: Asia
  • number of countries: 11
  • land area: 4,424,442 km²
  • population: 690,245,745 people
Classified as: place


South-Eastern Asia is a region. It is located in Asia. It comprises 11 countries for a land area of 4,424,442 km² and a population of 690,245,745 people.


South-Eastern Asia is one of the regions in Asia and 22 regions in our database.
  • Agricultural land: 1,431,796.00 km²
  • Alternative and nuclear energy: 2.18 % of total energy use
  • Carbon dioxide emissions (co2): 1,874.03 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Access to electricity: 96.40 % of population
  • Electricity production from coal sources: 27.00 % of total
  • Electricity production from natural gas sources: 48.04 % of total
  • Electricity production from hydroelectric sources: 18.81 % of total
  • Electricity production from nuclear sources: 0.00 % of total
  • Electricity production from oil sources: 2.78 % of total
  • Electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric: 3.24 % of total
  • Net energy imports: -32.88 % of energy use
  • Fertility rate: 2.06 births per woman
  • Forest area: 2,053,516 km²
  • Fossil fuel energy consumption: 64.03 % of total
  • Greenhouse gas emissions (co2, ch4, n2o, hfcs, pfcs, sf6): 3,156.72 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Median age: 281.00
  • Methane emissions: 1,028.48 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Nitrous oxide emissions: 172.88 Mt of CO2 equivalent
  • Female population: 345,825,566 people
  • Male population: 344,420,179 people
  • Renewable energy consumption: 25.08 % of total final energy consumption
  • Rural land area: 4,296,880.13 km²
  • Rural population: 332,861,736 people
  • Urban land area: 148,338.49 km²
  • Urban population: 357,384,009 people
  • Urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters : 75.68 % of total population

Geographical distribution of cities in South-Eastern Asia by population

Cities in South-Eastern Asia

Countries in South-Eastern Asia

Global density of countries in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between population and agricultural land in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical agricultural land in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between agricultural land and methane emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between agricultural land and nitrous oxide emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical alternative and nuclear energy in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and GDP in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between carbon dioxide and methane emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and urban land area in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) and urban population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical access to electricity in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between access to electricity and fertility rate in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between access to electricity and life expectancy at birth in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between access to electricity and renewable energy consumption in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between access to electricity and self-employed workers in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between access to electricity and vulnerable employment in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical electricity production from coal sources in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical electricity production from natural gas sources in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical electricity production from hydroelectric sources in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical electricity production from nuclear sources in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical electricity production from oil sources in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical electricity production from renewable sources, excluding hydroelectric, in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical net energy imports in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical fertility rate in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between fertility rate and life expectancy at birth in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between fertility rate and median age in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical forest area in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between forest area and rural land area in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical fossil fuel energy consumption in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between fossil fuel and renewable energy consumption in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 and methane emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 and nitrous oxide emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 and urban land area in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 and urban population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical land area in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical median age in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical methane emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between methane and nitrous oxide emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between methane emissions and population in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between methane emissions and rural population in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between methane emissions and urban land area in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between methane emissions and urban population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical nitrous oxide emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and population in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and urban land area in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between nitrous oxide emissions and urban population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical population in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between population and urban land area in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical female population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical male population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical renewable energy consumption in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical rural land area in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical rural population in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between rural population and urban land area in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical urban land area in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between urban land area and urban population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical urban population in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical urban population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between population and date in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and other greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) in South-Eastern Asia

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  • Birth rate: 16.33 per 1,000 people
  • Death rate: 6.81 per 1,000 people
  • Health expenditure per capita: 6,417.16 current US$
  • Health expenditure: 5.28 % of GDP
  • Incidence of hiv: 1.08 per 1,000 uninfected population
  • Hospital beds: 24.75 per 1,000 people
  • Life expectancy at birth: 804.00
  • Suicide mortality rate: 5.22 per 100,000 population

Evolution of historical birth rate in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between birth rate and access to electricity in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between birth rate and fertility rate in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between birth rate and life expectancy at birth in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between birth rate and median age in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between birth rate and proportion of self-employed workers in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between birth rate and vulnerable employment in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical death rate in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between death rate and life expectancy at birth in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical health expenditure per capita in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical health expenditure in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical incidence of HIV in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical hospital beds in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical life expectancy at birth in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between life expectancy and the proportion of self-employed workers in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between life expectancy and vulnerable employment in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical suicide mortality rate in South-Eastern Asia

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  • Armed forces personnel: 2,798,000 people
  • Democracy score: 51.05
  • Internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence: 2,834,900 people
  • Individuals using the internet: 73.70 % of population
  • Military expenditure: 1.61 % of GDP
  • Net migration: -138,308 people
  • Press freedom: 19.15
  • Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments: 21.83 %

Evolution of historical armed forces personnel in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between armed forces personnel and other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between armed forces personnel and methane emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between armed forces personnel and nitrous oxide emissions in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between armed forces personnel and population in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between armed forces personnel and rural population in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between urban land area and armed forces personnel in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between urban population and armed forces personnel in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical internally displaced persons, by conflict and violence in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical individuals using the Internet in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical military expenditure in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical net migration in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of the historical proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments in South-Eastern Asia

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  • Central government debt: 72.06 % of GDP
  • Expense: 19.63 % of GDP
  • Gdp: 3,796,280,494,250.13 current US$
  • Self-employed workers: 45.82 % of total employment
  • Tax revenue: 12.95 % of GDP
  • Unemployment: 2.41 % of total labor force
  • Vulnerable employment: 43.67 % of total employment

Relationship between expense and health expenditure in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical central government debt in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical expense in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical GDP in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between GDP and other greenhouse gas emissions, HFC, PFC and SF6 in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical inflation in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical proportion of self-employed workers in South-Eastern Asia

Relationship between self-employment and vulnerable employment in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical tax revenue in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical unemployment in South-Eastern Asia

Evolution of historical vulnerable employment in South-Eastern Asia

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In literature

There is no book written about South-Eastern Asia in the database


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    This dashboard is based on data from: World Bank

    This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license