Industries & Companies

Explore economy sectors, industries and companies. Analyse the vast data on company numbers, key decision makers, impact on the economy and market size.

Business data is often the most guarded possession of companies, especially due to it strategic and financial potential. Having an understanding of company numbers and performance, placed in the larger context of industries and economic sectors, creates an advantage when it comes to decision-making. Interestingly though, there is a lot of data accessible through open data sources, which when enhanced by AI modeling, can be used to unlock invaluable insights, both in business and research. Data such as revenue, size and social media activity, joined with wider information about the state of the economy on the national and international level, is a powerful tool to drive forward change and innovation.

Data Usage

The data on companies and industries will both unblock professional projects such as CRM enrichment, lead generation or market sizing. It will also unlock insights into relevant issues and help with ongoing projects, including:

  • Analysing trends in company growth, profitability, and market positioning across different industries and sectors;
  • Understanding the impact of technological advancements, regulatory changes, and market disruptions on industry dynamics;
  • Assessing the significance of social media presence and digital marketing strategies in shaping company reputation and consumer engagement

Where to go next

Industry and business data interests with subject areas such as economy and economic growth, government policies concerning technology and the financial markets, as well as social media. When completing a project and analysing multiple datasets, make sure to use the data together with datasets and visualisations found in other subjects on the website.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, Twitter, YAHOO-FIN, YFINANCE, Auchan, Biocoop, Carrefour, Casino, Cora, E.Leclerc, Franprix, Grand-Frais, Intermarche, Lidl, U, Monoprix, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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