
Explore the data on pressing social issues. From the mortality and suicide rates to internet and electricity access, learn how countries and government policies impact the welfare of residents.

Welfare is a huge subject area related closely to national and international economy, government and regime structure, government spending and policies. The data in this section:

  • Suicide mortality rates;
  • HIV incidence;
  • Unemployment rates and the employment of vulnerable persons
  • Life expectancy. birth and death rates; and
  • Access to electricity and internet.

Data Usage

The data on welfare and the way it’s managed by different countries will help government officials, NGOs, and organisations working on the local level to help citizens. It will provide meaningful context to academic researchers and students. The data will additionally assist data analysts and consultants. Some of the projects it can provide the necessary background for include:

  • Assessing disparities in health outcomes, economic opportunity, and social inclusion across different countries and regions;
  • Analysing the impact of public health interventions, social welfare programmes, and economic policies on welfare indicators;
  • Understanding the interconnectedness of welfare indicators and the need for holistic approaches to addressing societal challenges;
  • Identifying opportunities for policy intervention and investment in areas such as healthcare, education, social protection, and infrastructure development.

Where to go next

The subject of welfare intersects with topics such as government financing, employment and politics. We recommend exploring all data in the ‘Living Conditions & Wellbeing’ and ‘State Capacity & Government’ categories as the datasets and visualisations may complement one another and help gain a better understanding of the problem space.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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