
Explore the data related to employment rates and types in countries around the world. Analyse current issues such as uneployment and the employment situation of vulnerable persons. Navigate the relevant datasets and visualise the data using charts and maps.

To better understand the state of national and international economy, and the way it intersects with issues of welfare, government financing and the fluctuating size and needs of the private sector, we have to take a look at the state of employment. The data in this section covers unemployment rates in individual countries, the employment rate of vulnerable individuals, and the proportion of self-employment.

Data Usage

Employment-related data is particularly useful for government researchers and data analysts working for NGOs, welfare agencies and consultancies. It will assist academic researchers and retail professionals involved in market research. Some of the projects the data can be used for include:

  • Assessing the impact of economic cycles, technological advancements, globalisation, and demographic changes on labour market dynamics, including shifts in employment patterns, job creation, and income inequality;
  • Analysing the effectiveness of labour market policies, social protection measures, and skills development initiatives in promoting inclusive and sustainable employment growth;
  • Understanding the challenges faced by vulnerable groups in accessing decent work opportunities, including barriers to entry, discrimination, and lack of social support systems.

Where to go next

Employment data intersects with issues of welfare and government financing as well as other areas of economy. We recommend exploring all data in the ‘Living Conditions & Wellbeing’ and ‘State Capacity & Government’ categories’ to find supplementary context for your research.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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