World's Democracies

Explore the different govenrment regimes around the world and check the democacy score of individual countries.

Understanding political regimes and government structures of different countries allows us to understand the world and the way it functions. More than that, seeing the relationship between government type and democracy health allows us to fully comprehend how our own government functions so that we can be active participants.

Data Usage

Data related to the world’s governments is particularly useful to journalists, NGOs, government officials and academic researchers. It will also assist data analysts and consultants working on projects related to political and economic infrastructures. Some of the projects the data can unlock insights for include:

  • Assessing the state of democracy worldwide, including challenges such as erosion of democratic norms, populism, polarisation, and threats to democratic institutions and processes;
  • Analysing the relationship between regime types and democracy scores, including the impact of regime type on democratic governance outcomes and political stability;
  • Understanding the drivers of democratic backsliding and authoritarian resurgence, including factors such as economic inequality, social polarisation, and external influences on democratic transitions.

Where to go next

The data intersects closely with subject areas such as politics, sociology, economy and finance. We recommend exploring all relevant categories and subjects to find data that can be used together for a more comprehensive overview.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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