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Country and ranking of universities


This dataset is about universities. It has 3 columns: university, country, and ranking. The data is ordered by total students.

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This dataset has 2,033 rows and is 100.0% filled with non-null values

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Graduate Students: Number of graduate students (int, people, 34% fill rate)
Undergraduate Students: Number of undergraduate students (int, people, 34% fill rate)
University: (str, 100% fill rate)
Country: (str, 100% fill rate)
Domain: (str, 99% fill rate)
Ranking: (int, 100% fill rate)
Address: (str, 44% fill rate)
Foundation Year: The year the university was established (int, year, 42% fill rate)
Introduction: Brief description of the university (str, 29% fill rate)
Total Students: Total number of students (int, people, 44% fill rate)
International Students: Number of international students (str, 42% fill rate)
City: (str, 48% fill rate)
Latitude: Coordinate that specifies the north–south position (float, °, 48% fill rate)
Longitude: Coordinate that specifies the east–west position (float, °, 48% fill rate)


This dataset is based on data from: The Center for World University Rankings, Shanghai University Ranking

Updated: 530 days ago

This dataset can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license


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