News on Fast food restaurants-Social aspects-United States
There has been 25 news on Fast food restaurants-Social aspects-United States in the past from 13 sources across 3 sections.
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Sentiment analysis
Current sentiment polarity: neutral with a score of -0.12
neutral | 88% | |
negative | 12% |
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Should you tip at a fast-food restaurant? Most Canadians say no, new survey finds
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Fast-food customers are shifting to casual-dining chains, Darden Restaurants CEO says
A St. Louis restaurant imposes age restrictions: no women under 30 or men under 35
78% of Americans see fast food as a 'luxury': Survey
Dining chat: a fancy restaurant charged us $900 -- two months ahead of dinner
Dining chat: Why are restaurants rushing diners through meals? We aren't lingerers.
'Fast food is becoming a luxury': Five Guys criticized after receipt goes viral
College student shares 'birthday hack' to get free food from restaurants
Why Neighborhood Restaurants Are Where We Want to Eat Now
AI-powered fast food restaurant to open in Los Angeles
Popular restaurant shuts immediately
Nourishing communities: Neighborhood restaurants as social infrastructure
The coverage spans across 3 sections:
There has been 13 news sources reporting on this, including: The Washington Post (12%), Independent (12%), The Star (12%), Daily Telegraph (12%), and Phys (8%).
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