Überholem..? Im Zweifel nie! (Overtaking? When in doubt, never!)

7 days ago

Überholem..? Im Zweifel nie! (Overtaking? When in doubt, never!) is an artwork. It is housed at the Museum of Modern Art (New York) and was created in 1957. Classified as a Design, it measures 90.00 cm in width and 128.00 cm in height.

Key facts


"Überholen...? Im Zweifel nie!"

© Museum of Modern Art (New York) - Explore more images


"Überholem..? Im Zweifel nie! (Overtaking? When in doubt, never!)" is one of the artworks in Design, artworks in Museum of Modern Art (New York) and 782,578 artworks in our database.

  • Acquisition date: 1994-05-03 date
  • Art medium details: Offset Lithograph
  • Credit: Purchase and partial gift of Leslie J. Schreyer

dataset Artists who created Überholem..? Im Zweifel nie! (Overtaking? When in doubt, never!):

In literature

There is no book written about Überholem..? Im Zweifel nie! (Overtaking? When in doubt, never!) in the database.


Connected or similar to Überholem..? Im Zweifel nie! (Overtaking? When in doubt, never!):


This dashboard is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate.

This content is available under the CC BY 4.0 license.