Near Protocol
Key facts
- crypto symbol: NEAR
- market cap: 5B $
- ranking: #23
- currency: USD
Classified as: object
Near Protocol is a crypto. Ranked #23, it uses the currency USD and has the symbol NEAR. It has a market cap of 5B $.
Near Protocol is one of the 25 cryptos in our database.
- Max supply: infinite
- Total supply: 1,183,246,170
Daily evolution of historical closing price of Near Protocol
Daily evolution of historical highest price of Near Protocol
Daily evolution of lowest price of Near Protocol
Daily evolution of opening price of Near Protocol
Distribution of hourly records for Near Protocol
Explore more on business
- NEAR is a sharded, developer-friendly, proof-of-stake public blockchain, built by a world-class team that has built some of the world's only sharded databases at scale.
Learn more about description