Object is a classification that currently covers 4 entities in our database
Based on the last 24 hours:
- artworks: Portret van Bernardus Coop à Groen
- books: Oliver Twist
- cryptos: Chainlink
- stocks: VCV
The entities currently covered within this classification are:
Trending materials
Top art mediums by number of artworks
Relationship between width and height
Evolution of historical opening price of Bitcoin
Artworks creation end after 1896
Amongst the 4 units related to this classification, here are the most frequent ones:
Amongst the 39 fields related to this classification, here are the most frequent ones:
This content is based on data from: Interpol, YFINANCE, MoMA, The British Library, Rijks, Tate, Coinbase
This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license