Mujeres Que Emprenden
Key facts
- city: Federal
- country: Argentina
- sector: Consumer Discretionary
- foundation year: 2014
- industry: Diversified Consumer Services
Classified as: organization
- Mariela Astudillo, especialista en feminizacion vocal: <
> - Mujeres de 30 a 45 anos y con empleo: el perfil de los nuevos emprendedores
- Mas de 150 mujeres se declaran victimas sexuales de Al Fayed
- El Cerro del Villar reconstruye su historia con nuevos hallazgos: del incendio que lo protegio a la cabeza de mujer en terracota
Mujeres Que Emprenden is a company. It is located in Federal, Argentina and was founded in 2014. The company is part of the Consumer Discretionary sector, specifically in the Diversified Consumer Services industry.
Mujeres Que Emprenden is one of the companies in Argentina, companies in Diversified Consumer Services, companies in Consumer Discretionary and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
Stocks from Mujeres Que Emprenden
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Talking Points:
- Women who undertake - Courses for entrepreneurs
- Online courses, masterclasses and challenge programs on design, communication and digital marketing for entrepreneurs.
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