Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
Key facts
- city: Córdoba
- country: Spain
- sector: Utilities
- industry: Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers
Classified as: organization
- La oposicion tilda el cese del gerente de Smassa de <
> y critica que el Ayuntamiento no se haya personado en los juzgados
Ayuntamiento de Córdoba is a company. It is located in Córdoba, Spain. The company is part of the Utilities sector, specifically in the Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers industry.
Ayuntamiento de Córdoba is one of the companies in Spain, companies in Independent Power and Renewable Electricity Producers, companies in Utilities and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
Stocks from Ayuntamiento de Córdoba
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Talking Points:
- General Electronic Access Point | Córdoba City Council
- Environment Unit Córdoba Zoo Children's City
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