D66 Fryslân
D66 Fryslân is a company. It is located in the Netherlands and was founded in 1966.
Key facts
- country: Netherlands
- foundation year: 1966
D66 Fryslân is one of the companies in the Netherlands and 3,550,070 companies in our database.
- Employees: Try Pro to see estimates
- Revenues: Try Pro to see estimates
Stocks from D66 Fryslân:
Talking Points
- D66 Fryslân - Let everyone free, but nobody falls
- You are only free when everyone is. D66 believes in equal opportunities for everyone and help for those who need it.
- We Kieze Foar in Fryslân Wêr’t Wy Elkenien Frij Litte, Mar Gjinien Falle Litte. -Everything about D66 in Fryslân, tweets by PS fraction. E: d66@fryslan.frl.