In the news:
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Empresa 1
Key facts
- city: Belo Horizonte
- country: Brazil
- sector: Information Technology
- foundation year: 1997
- industry: IT Services
Classified as: organization
Empresa 1 is a company. It is located in Belo Horizonte, Brazil and was founded in 1997. The company is part of the Information Technology sector, specifically in the IT Services industry.
Business see more
Empresa 1 is one of the companies in Brazil, companies in IT Services, companies in Information Technology and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
Stocks from Empresa 1
Talking Points:
- Company 1 TechnologyCompany 1
- We are a technology company, focused on innovation capable of transforming our clients' businesses. Current markets: transport and health.
- This is what we have been doing for 20 years, integrating hardware, software and service solutions for automating payment methods and combating fraud. Our areas of expertise include: advanced encryption and data security, the development of hardware, software and applications involving technologies such as smartcards, mobile and biometrics...
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