La fiebre por el cambio de locales comerciales a viviendas: Malaga ya autoriza mas de una al dia
Sociedad de Prevención Autorizada
Key facts
- city: Madrid
- country: Spain
- sector: Industrials
- industry: Commercial Services & Supplies
Classified as: organization
Sociedad de Prevención Autorizada is a company. It is located in Madrid, Spain. The company is part of the Industrials sector, specifically in the Commercial Services & Supplies industry.
Sociedad de Prevención Autorizada is one of the companies in Spain, companies in Commercial Services & Supplies, companies in Industrials and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
Stocks from Sociedad de Prevención Autorizada
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Talking Points:
- SPA | Authorized Prevention Society
- accredited SPA External Prevention Service, Self-Protection Plan and Security Coordination.
- Authorized Prevention Society offers global solutions in the field of #Safety and #OccupationalHealth | At Authorized Prevention Society (SPA) we base our activity on the fundamental values u200bu200bof commitment and professionalism. Since its inception we have faced the challenge of increasing security and reducing the rate...
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