Key facts
- city: Barcelona
- country: Spain
- sector: Consumer Discretionary
- industry: Diversified Consumer Services
Classified as: organization
- Primeras incidencias en la red de carreteras: cortes en la A-355 Coin y en la Campanillas-Pizarra
- Andalucia reduce a ocho las carreteras cerradas o con cortes de trafico por los efectos de la Dana
- El PP exige a los socialistas criticos con el cupo catalan votar en contra en las Cortes
- Un incendio cerca de La Rosaleda provoca una gran humareda y cortes de trafico
STUDIO CORTES is a company. It is located in Barcelona, Spain. The company is part of the Consumer Discretionary sector, specifically in the Diversified Consumer Services industry.
STUDIO CORTES is one of the companies in Spain, companies in Diversified Consumer Services, companies in Consumer Discretionary and 3,466,499 companies in our database.
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Talking Points:
- Studio Cortes
- This is home page...
- We are a creative and end-to-end production company. Fashion shows, Special events & Photo shootings.
- Studio Cortes is a creative and end-to-end production services company with a broad experience in the fashion, luxury, jewellery and arts business segment. The company offers a complete set of services, from concept creation to service delivery, to clients internationally helping them in creating remarkable events, in ...
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