Jacob Jan van der Maaten

18 days ago
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Key facts

  • life: 1820 - 1879
  • number of artworks: 72
  • stolen artworks: 0
  • museums: Rijksmuseum
In classification: person


The artist Jacob Jan van der Maaten was born on 1820 and died on 1879. We currently have 72 artworks in our database covering the Rijks, MoMa and Tate museums for this artist.


Jacob Jan van der Maaten is one of the 33,655 artists in our database.

Artworks by Jacob Jan van der Maaten

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In literature

There is no book written about Jacob Jan van der Maaten in our database


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    This dashboard is based on data from: Interpol, MoMA, Rijks, Tate

    This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license