Books & Authors

Explore books, authors and publishers as well as some of the most popular book subjects in the world. Visualise the age and gender split of authors and analyse the data on the book publishing industry.

A cornerstone of human knowledge and imagination, books hold an important position in most civilizations on Earth, having shaped cultures and societies for many centuries now. And while there is nothing quite like sitting down with a book in front of a fireplace on a winter night, one other way we can approach books as a subject area, especially when we have to do so for work or study, is through data. By analysing the information about authors and their works, we can find trends and uncover invaluable insights about what was written, how, and why.

Data Usage

Diving into the datasets and visualisations, you can explore key issues within the realm of books authors, including:

  • Trends in literary genres and subjects over time;
  • Patterns of authorship and representation across different demographics;
  • The dynamics of book series and their impact on reader engagement and fandom;
  • The role of publishers in shaping literary markets and cultural discourse.

Where to go next

The analysis of books & authors intersects with many different issues related to cultural production through the ages, such as art, literary criticism, and philosophy. It relates to the protection of cultural heritage and national, and international policies. It can even be used in the context of socio-demographic and educational change in our society. Make sure to explore those subject areas and use the data found there together with what you discovered in the visualisations and datasets on books and their authors.



This subject is based on data from: The British Library


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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