Protecting the World Heritage

Visit all of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites and explore the data on global areas of interest. Visualise the data on a map and analyse the datasets to extract insights about the world we're trying to preserve.

The tangible and intangible cultural heritage, recognised and safeguarded by UNESCO, is a crucial part of our identity and its preservation is something we should actively take part in on a local, national, and international level.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites are not only great holiday spots for those who love to explore the past and immerse themselves in cultures and their traditions. Indeed, they are also important documents of our history and should be preserved with the same amount of care as actual paper documents.

These sites are not all there is, however. Next to grand architecture and natural marvels, there are also works of art, equally important carriers of our cultural heritage. Many have been lost or stolen and cannot be seen by the public in museums. Their careful classification by Interpol and constant search for by national police forces underlines the significance these works have in our culture.

Data Usage

The data facilitates explorations of key issues within the realm of heritage protection and preservation, including:

  • The vulnerability of World Heritage Sites to natural disasters, climate change, and human activities;
  • Strategies and initiatives aimed at safeguarding cultural and natural heritage for future generations;
  • Combatting the illegal trafficking of stolen artworks and artifacts, and promoting international cooperation in their recovery and repatriation.

Top tip: to view artworks classified as stolen by Interpol, open the Artworks dataset and filter the museum field with a = ‘Stolen art (Interpol).

Where to go next

The subject area intersects with many other cultural and legal topics. Make sure to explore the Art & Artists subject as well as all environment-related ones. The data there complements what you’ll find in datasets and visualisations here.



This subject is based on data from: Interpol, UNESCO, MoMA, Rijks, Tate


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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