Population Growth & Changes

Analyse the age structure of the world and explore how the birth and mortality rates have changed in different countries. Gain a better understanding of the demographic makeup of our planet through data.

The rapid population growth of the last century, together with the accompanying demographic changes, has made the world a completely different place. By closely examining the data on:

  • Population numbers and gender split;
  • Fertility, birth and death rates;
  • Life expectancy; and
  • Rural and urban population,
we can better understand the changes and shape the future of our planet.

Data Usage

The data on population & growth changes can be used in a multitude of ways: from government policy and academic research, to professional projects requiring data analysis of national and international trends. It will unlock insights for those:

  • Analysing the drivers and consequences of demographic transitions, including aging populations, declining fertility rates, and migration-driven population shifts;
  • Understanding the impacts of population growth and changes on economic development, social welfare, and evironmental sustainability;
  • Assessing the implications of urbanisation and rural-urban migration for infrastructure planning, housing provision, and resource management.

Where to go next

The data in this section covers a wide range of subject areas and intersects with the Urbanisation section as well as those dedicated to Health Policy, Environment and Climate. Make sure to explore the relevant sections in order or use and combine the data for a fuller picture.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, United Nations, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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