
Analyse the process of urbanisation through data and gain a better understanding of the shifting proportions of urban and rural land and population. Explore the dataset and visualise the data using charts and maps.

The process of urbanisation has been shaping our world for over a century now, with the rural population shrinking and cities growing rapidly both in size and population. Seen through data, urbanisation is a force reshaping landscapes, economies and societies. When we take a closer look at the changes in the size of agricultural land and the resulting economic trends or the demographic changes related to the migration from the countryside to large urban centres and the echoes of it in national and international economies, we can uncover insights related to how our the world around us evolves and adapts to the constantly changing conditions.

Data Usage

The data on urbanisation trends across different countries, continents, and regions can help drive forward public policy as well as research. It will allow for a data-driven approach to projects such as:

  • Assessing the drivers and impacts of urbanisation and economic development, social cohesion, and environmental sustainability;
  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities associated with managing urban growth, including issues of infrastructure development, housing affordability, and resource management;
  • Exploring the role of urban planning, governance, and policy interventions in shaping sustainable urbanisation pathways.

Where to go next

The data on urbanisation intersects with subjects within the fields of economy, demographic and urban studies as well as environmental and climate research. Make sure to explore other subjects in the ‘Demographic Changes & Population’ and ‘Energy, Environment & Climate’ categories and combine all the data for a full understanding of the problem area.



This subject is based on data from: SIPRI, World Bank, Reporters Without Borders


This content can be used under the CC BY 4.0 license

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